Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New stuff :D

*Major upload*
Here is most of the stuff I made since my last post

Software - Autodesk 3DS Max + Adobe Photoshop

Click on the pictures to enlarge and Backspace to return to the main page and don't forget to vote witch picture/pictures you like the most
Here they are(description where needed and the pictures):

#1. Seen something like this somewere and decided to try it on my own

#2. I don't know what this represents... it's up to the viewer to decide
I like the way it turned out

#3. Translucency + Transparency + Light materials + Lots of chamfered boxes = Serious render time



#6. The 2 images below are made for a Shading/Rendering Chalenge. The objects in the scene are courtesy of the chalange creator

#7. Fake 3D money... Maybe they'll be for real in the future



1 comment:

Sunaina said...

umm, tot mai bine lucrezi ;) gooodie!